Mittwoch, 19. November 2008

vim: config


set nocompatible " disable vi shit

set autoindent " nice indent activate all three
set smartindent
set cindent

set showmatch " Show matching brackets

"set guioptions-=T " No toolbar

set vb t_vb= " turn off beep
set novisualbell " turn off visual bell

set showcmd " display incomplete commands

set hlsearch " highlight searches
set incsearch " find while search
"set virtualedit=all " to be able to set curser behind text

set nobackup " do not keep a backup file
set number " show line numbers
set ignorecase

set scrolloff=5 " keep 5 lines when scrolling

set nowrap " don't wrap lines
set laststatus=2 " 2 line statusbar

set tb=icons " set Toolbar in GUI

syntax on " syntax highlighing
"colorscheme elflord " use this color scheme
colorscheme delek
set background=dark " adapt colors for background

set mouse=a
map [62~

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